Friday, 6 November 2009

Advatages & Disadvantages of networks

This week I have decided to talk about advantages and the disadvantages of network technology. Choosing the right technology and employing someone with the right skill set is crucial, because specialist skills are needed to set up networks. The technology used should be optimal for area where the network is going to be set up e.g. using the right topology like Ring topology for instance.

There are many positives of networked systems as well as negatives. Here is a list of advantages and disadvantages of setting up network systems:


Fast Response Times - With efficient and high performance servers e.g. with fast processor, bigger memory capacity, hubs that use optical fibre cables etc. The response time will be less noticed, for example all of the workstations in a workplace, which are connected to the network will not regularly experience; system crashes, slow systems, loss of connection from the network etc, due to the server that is being used and the cables, which are optical fibre. With low response times in an organisation tasks become faster and more efficient.

Unauthorised access to information - Most networks have accounts for each user, which need Account ID and password to login. To prevent unauthorised information to be accessed, administrators or network managers set access rights. The login procedure identifies the user and tells the server of their permissions and access rights, these terms show what that specific user can and cannot have access to.

Network topologies - The use of the right network topologies for network systems is crucial because this will reduce cost and complexity of the network, for example the network manager in organisations will choose a network topology that will run the network efficiently and take into account hardware, which needs to be networked. There are many different network topologies, which are Ring, Mesh, Star, Fully connected, Line, Tree and Bus. All have different ways of communicating between hardware e.g. workstations.


Slow Response Times - An office with a small server that has got low performance components running the network, which all of the office’s computers’ are connected and running simultaneously will result in longer response times. This means the system will have, regular system crashes, system running slowly and other factors which make the network congested. When slow response times occurs in the network system users tend to become frustrated.

Staff skills - Network users need slightly higher skills than those using just a standalone computer. Training can be provided for those who are not familiar with network systems by showing them how to log on, the importance of passwords, sharing files and using work areas. Some organisations put users on training courses so that they are familiar with network systems, but this can be time consuming and costly for organisations hence organisations would prefer staffs, which are already qualified.

Increased Complexity and Costs - Network systems are known to be more complex than the same number of standalone computers. Due to interconnection of all the hardware, also installation of the operating system, adds to the overall complexity hence the costs of the system.

Security Issues - Security issues can become a problem in organisations, for example if a user works in an office environment and the user’s friend who worked in same office, access your personal record from their workstations. There might be information stored that you do not wish to share with anyone in the organisation. Examples of information you do not want anyone to know home address, mobile phone number and home phone number, unless you have chosen to give it to them hence you may not be happy if everyone in the office could access that information.

Example of a network:

Useful Links:

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